Biking Beyond Passion: Richard Hammond’s Barn of Beloved Classics

Biker’s Bond: Richard Hammond and His Cherished Motorcycle Collection

Petrolhead’s Paradise

Richard Hammond, the former Top Gear presenter, has an extraordinary bond with his motorcycle collection.

In his barn, he has an impressive array of 21 classic bikes, and he loves them so much that he frequently engages in conversations with them.

It’s a testament to his passion for these machines, which he simply can’t bear to be separated from.

Vintage Treasures

Among the gems in Hammond’s collection is a 1946 American Indian Chief, a powerful 1,205cc cruiser that played a role in inspiring the classic Chopper style.

This 53-year-old motorcycle enthusiast even confessed to repurchasing a motorcycle he had previously sold because he missed it too much.

The emotional connection between Hammond and his motorcycles is evident, and it’s not something he’s willing to part with easily.

Home Sweet Home

Hammond keeps his beloved collection at his country home in Herefordshire, where he resides with his wife Mindy and their two daughters.

His passion for these vintage machines is so strong that, after returning home from filming trips, he doesn’t just greet his family but also makes a point to say hello to his cherished bikes in the barn.

The Hamster’s True Love

While Hammond is known for his involvement in the hit BBC car show Top Gear, where he co-hosted alongside Jeremy Clarkson and James May from 2002 to 2015, it’s his love for motorcycles that has always held a special place in his heart.

He has often emphasized his deep connection to biking, a passion that has stayed with him despite a near-death experience in 2006 when he crashed a jet-powered car during a Top Gear stunt.

As a result, he now takes a more cautious approach, riding slowly to ensure his safety.

Acknowledging Real Risks

Reflecting on his own accident and Freddie Flintoff’s mishap on Top Gear, Hammond has stressed the importance of risk mitigation in television programs.

While they may entertain onscreen, TV personalities are not exempt from real-world dangers.

This sobering reality serves as a reminder that even in the world of entertainment, safety remains a paramount concern.


Richard Hammond’s deep affection for his motorcycle collection offers a glimpse into the passionate world of dedicated collectors.

It’s a reminder of how our possessions can become more than just objects; they can hold emotional significance and provide a sense of connection.

Hammond’s continued love for motorcycles, despite past accidents, underscores the enduring nature of personal passions.

His words about risk mitigation on television serve as a valuable lesson about the importance of safety, even in the pursuit of entertainment.
