Best Nose Treatment by Rhinoplasty in Lahore

Rhinoplasty, a “nose job,” is a surgical procedure that modifies the nose’s outward appearance. Rhinoplasty has many functional and cosmetic benefits, such as making it easier to breathe through the nose and look better.

Dr. Atta Ul Haq Clinic offers Rhinoplasty in Lahore services by an experienced plastic surgeon who provides the best solutions for nose reshaping.

Tranquilizers and Anesthesia for the nose job

We often give patients tranquilizers before their Rhinoplasty in Lahore procedures to help them calm down. After that, one of our trained anesthesiologists will provide the patient with the medicine to put them to sleep for the rest of the surgery.

We use only an IV during this procedure to make the patient sleepy. Still, sometimes we need a full general anesthetic. The patient can sleep through the whole thing without feeling pain or forgetting anything.

When it comes to nausea, vomiting, tiredness, etc., patients with IV sedation feel much better than those with the same surgery with real general anesthesia.

Cartilage and Skin Modifications.

Rhinoplasty surgery changes nose shape. The surgeon may remove columella, a thin skin strip between nostrils, to help. So, The surgeon can gently peel the skin on the nose away from the cartilage and bone underneath.

Revealing the structure of the nose, the surgeon must move the cartilage and bone carefully for optimal results. In severe cases of deformity, you may need rib cartilage or small implants to get the look you want.

Differences and Benefits of Nose Job

In the end, in Lahore, there isn’t much difference between open and closed rhinoplasty. A small cut creates across the bottom of the columella during open rhinoplasty.

Surgeons make the other cuts inside the nose, as in closed rhinoplasty. These small changes are the only difference between the two ways of doing things. After a few weeks, the cut on the columellar has healed to the point where it is hard to see.

When a doctor does an open Rhinoplasty, they can see all of the parts of the nose and make precise changes to how they look. We do some closed rhinoplasty surgeries but prefer the more effective open approach whenever possible.

Despite what you may have heard, the benefits of having better vision during surgery often outweigh the small miracles of having less edema right after surgery. Recovery is the same either way.

Risks of Rhinoplasty Surgery 

The risk of problems with Rhinoplasty in Lahore is the same as those with any other surgery. The most common problem is bleeding, so we give detailed instructions on caring for patients after surgery to help them avoid losing too much blood. After rhinoplasty, possible issues are: 

  • pain or numbness in the nose
  • asymmetry
  • scarring inside or outside
  • blocked airway
  • no improvement
  • dissatisfaction with appearance
  • septum hole
  • need for more surgeries

Even though it is rare, anesthesia problems, spinal fluid leaks, and infections can happen.

Factors Affecting the Rhinoplasty Cost

The final price of rhinoplasty in Lahore will significantly depend on the surgeon’s skills, the procedure’s location, and the patient’s budget. The price may change if only minor changes are necessary.

Lahore’s average nose surgery cost is around 170,000, but patients should expect to spend between 65,000 and 170,000. People believe the average price of revision surgery is about 250,000.

This makes the surgery harder and maybe more dangerous. During our meeting, we can give you an estimate based on your specific needs.

Long-term effects

Long-lasting consequences await because of this. Some people may notice their nose skin getting thinner or thicker over a few years.

However, after Rhinoplasty in Lahore, the shape of the nose should not change at all. Although this is unusual, cartilage may undergo form changes when subjected to high temperatures over extended periods.

Requirements for Rhinoplasty Surgery

People who want rhinoplasty in Lahore should be healthy and free of major diseases (such as those affecting the heart, lungs, and kidneys, a history of heart attack, or stroke). A person should be healthy enough to undergo elective surgery before getting rhinoplasty.

Wellness and Fitness