Benefits of Taking Vitamin D for Skin and Hair

Like most people, you probably think of vitamins as good for your overall health. And while that is undoubtedly true, did you know that vitamin D can also be great for your skin and hair?

A lack of this nutrient can lead to various problems, including dryness, hair loss, and even skin cancer. Fortunately, light therapy makes it easy to get the most out of vitamin D. Heliotherapy Institute has many profound reviews about skin treatment devices. On this page, you can read more about phototherapy.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of taking vitamin D for skin and hair.

What is vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that can be found in two forms: vitamin D₃ (also known as cholecalciferol) and vitamin D₂ (ergocalciferol). It is unique because you can obtain it from food sources and sunlight exposure.

Vitamin D is a nutrient that helps the body absorb calcium. It’s well-known as a “sunshine vitamin.” The reason is that the body can make it when exposed to the sun. It has many roles in the body, including keeping bones and muscles healthy. 

A lack of vitamin D can lead to bone diseases such as osteoporosis or rickets. Getting enough supplements is especially important for people with dark skin or who don’t get much sun exposure. It is because their bodies may not make enough from sunlight. 

Primary sources of vitamin D

There are three sources of vitamin D for people.

  • Most people get the vitamin D they need from exposure to sunlight. The body produces it when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) rays. However, limiting sun exposure is essential to prevent skin damage, so many people don’t get enough vitamin D from this source.
  • Some food is also a good source of vitamin D: fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel; egg yolks; and fortified foods such as milk, orange juice, and cereals. 
  • You can take supplements to get the vitamin D you need.

The body needs it to absorb calcium, promote bone growth, and support immune system function and cell growth.

A lack of vitamin D can lead to health problems, such as: 

  • Bone loss 
  • Muscle weakness 
  • Fatigue 
  • Dental problems 
  • Increased risk for infections

Benefits for skin

Most people know that vitamin D is crucial for bone health, but did you know it has many benefits for skin and hair? It plays a role in several critical functions in the body, including cell growth, immune function, and inflammation. Here are the main benefits for the skin.

Decreases inflammation

Vitamin D has anti-inflammatory properties that can help decrease the redness and swelling associated with certain skin conditions, such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. In addition, it can help to reduce the risk of developing other inflammatory diseases, such as asthma and arthritis. It can also help to soothe sunburns and other forms of skin damage.

Fights free radicals

Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells and are one of the leading causes of aging. When they build up in your body, they can cause wrinkles and dryness. Free radicals are also thought to contribute to cancer development.

Fortunately, vitamin D can help fight them. It is a powerful antioxidant that scavenges these molecules and helps prevent them from causing damage. So getting enough vitamin D can help keep your skin looking young and healthy.

Boosts collagen production

Vitamin D helps boost collagen production in the body. It gives the skin elasticity and strength and keeps hair follicles strong. It can improve skin tone and texture. A lack of collagen can lead to dry, brittle hair and nails prone to breakage. By boosting collagen production, vitamin D can help keep your skin and hair looking healthy and strong.

Protects the skin

One of the most important benefits of vitamin D for the skin is that it helps protect against damage from ultraviolet (UV) radiation, pollution, and other environmental toxins.

It works by increasing the production of specific proteins in the skin that act as a barrier against harmful UV rays. In addition, vitamin D can help reduce inflammation and improve the healing process if you experience sunburn or other forms of skin damage. It also helps to keep the skin moist and supple.

A lack of vitamin D can lead to dry, itchy skin and a loss of elasticity. It can make the skin more susceptible to wrinkles and age spots.

Normalizes cell turnover 

Vitamin D helps normalize cell turnover, which is how your skin renews itself and removes damaged cells. When working correctly, your skin looks smooth and soft, but when cell turnover is slow, you can feel dryness, dullness, and wrinkle. Vitamin D speeds up cell turnover, so your skin looks its best.

Benefits for hair

There are a few different ways that vitamin D can benefit your hair. 

  • Promoting hair growth is necessary for developing new hair follicles and prolonging the growth phase of your hair cycle. Vitamin D helps to boost this complex process. You will have longer, thicker hair from taking these supplements.
  • Another benefit of vitamin D for your hair is that it can help prevent hair loss. It helps keep your scalp healthy and free from inflammation.
  • Vitamin D can help to prevent dandruff. This common scalp condition is caused by a build-up of dead skin cells on the scalp. 
  • Finally, vitamin D can also make your hair shinier and softer. It helps keep your hair follicles moisturized, preventing them from becoming brittle and dry. If you are looking for more delicate, lustrous hair, taking a vitamin D supplement may be just what you need.

How to use vitamin D

There are a few ways you can work on getting more vitamin D into your system for the sake of your skin. 

  1. One is consuming foods containing it, such as egg yolks, fatty fish, and mushrooms. 
  2. You can also take supplements, but talk to your doctor first to determine the proper dosage. 
  3. Spending time in the sun will allow your body to produce its own vitamin D. Just be sure not to overdo it and wear sunscreen.
  4. You can also use topical products that contain vitamin D, which can help improve the appearance of your skin. Look for products that list “cholecalciferol” or “calcipotriene” on the label, and apply them to your skin according to the instructions. 
  5. You can also find shampoos and conditioners that contain vitamin D, which can help nourish your scalp and hair.


Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for maintaining skin and hair health. You can get it from exposure to sunlight, certain foods, and supplements, but many people still don’t get enough of this vital nutrient. We gathered all the significant benefits of this vitamin. So, if you want to improve your skin and hair health, adding more vitamin D into your diet is a great place to start. 

Meta description:

If you are looking for ways to improve your health, look no further than vitamin D! This essential nutrient is vital for maintaining the health of your hair and skin.

Vitamin D

Wellness and Fitness