Below Deck’s Hayley De Sola Pinto Teases Playboy Collaborations and Exciting Photoshoots

Playboy’s Latest Collaboration with Below Deck’s Hayley De Sola Pinto

In a recent exclusive interview with Daily Star, Below Deck’s Hayley De Sola Pinto shared exciting news about her partnership with Playboy.

The reality icon is brimming with ideas for potential photoshoots and collaborations, including fellow TV boaties.

Saucy Content on the Horizon

Hayley cheekily revealed that her upcoming content with Playboy holds some saucy surprises for her fans. Teasing a few “exciting” collaborations in the coming months, she mentioned the possibility of shoots in Miami and the Bahamas, along with potential collaborations with other Playboy creators.

Collaboration with Fellow Below Deck Star Natalya Scudder

One notable collaboration in the works is with fellow Below Deck star Natalya Scudder, who also hails from the Playboy Centerfold community.

Hayley expressed her excitement about the collaboration, stating, “That’s something we’ve spoken about doing.” Despite the geographical distance, plans are underway for a groundbreaking collaboration between the two reality stars.

Edgy Content and Cosplay Themes

When discussing the direction of her content, Hayley expressed a desire to go edgy. She’s particularly intrigued by the idea of cosplay-inspired photoshoots, citing animations as an inspiration.

With her distinctive red hair, she hinted at the possibility of embodying characters like Jessica Rabbit and various superheroes. Hayley even teased a Poison Ivy cosplay coming soon, promising fans an exciting and fun theme.

Connecting with Fans and Exclusive Content

Hayley emphasized her eagerness to connect with fans, encouraging them to follow her on Instagram and check out her exclusive content on her Playboy Centerfold page.

Fans can anticipate a unique blend of creativity, collaboration, and excitement from Below Deck’s Hayley De Sola Pinto in her Playboy ventures.
