Beginner Friendly Electric Scooter Riding Guide for New Riders

You can’t be left behind. This is the year you’re going to buy a foldable electric scooter. But first, you need to know first how to properly ride and handle it.

Many are seriously considering compact electric scooters as a convenient means of transport. Nothing like the kick scooter of your childhood, the Mearth S electric scooter has a top speed of  15-25 km/h, which is fast if you’re on a footpath.

Learning to ride an electric scooter is relatively easy, but safely commuting in traffic is another thing. It is learned well through experience. Whether experienced or a total beginner, it is absolutely important to wear a helmet before riding an electric scooter.

Practice, practice, practice. Why? To gain confidence before actually riding in mixed traffic.

It is easier to learn to ride a 2-wheeler. If you can ride a bicycle, balance is a prerequisite. Once you know how to balance and turn and control your body weight (using a cycle), learning how to ride a lightweight electric scooter will be fun and easy.

How long does it take to learn? It will take around a week to 10 days to learn,  and if you practice for an hour every day, then you can ride your electric scooter with ease without falling, especially if you get training from an expert.

So you see, you don’t have to be in the dark with these beginner-friendly-guide and practical tips from experienced riders on how to ride an electric scooter.

Riding a compact electric scooter is not hard, and you will learn the hang of it. Most have ridden a kick-scooter as a child, and having grown up, riding an electric scooter is quite similar, except for a few. — like using the throttle or unlocking it (although other scooter brands do it via an app).

The said guide covers how to ride an electric scooter for the first time. And even if it’s not quite your first time,  you’ll surely find a useful tip or two!

The tips also tackle how to prepare for your ride by wearing the appropriate gear, properly checking the scooter, and yes, even choosing the right spot to ride.

Let’s dive in! Better be aware that riding any kind of micro-mobility device, from bicycle to electric skateboard will always carry some risk of falling. So having said that, never forget that your own well-being always comes first and it starts with wearing a helmet.

Now, for your first ride, wear clothes that cover your arms and legs. Wear elbow and knee pads for increased safety. 

Tip no.1. Choose the perfect first spot. For your first ride, choose an area or road that is paved and where there are no obstructions. Look for a place and choose the time of day when there are fewer other cyclists, pedestrians, riders, etc. hovering around. Avoid areas with traffic for your first ride. Pick a nice clear area with wide-open spaces to familiarize yourself with the scooter.

Tip no.2: Test the scooter. A quick, safety test before each ride helps to ensure everything is working as it should. Check out the following:

The tires if they are in good condition and have sufficient pressure

The throttle and brakes work if they’re properly

That the scooter doesn’t produce any strange sounds when starting

The scooter has full battery life for your trip

And now, the step-by-step riding tips. To turn on the scooter, you need to unlock and then turn it on from a power switch.  Once the scooter is unlocked and turned on, you’re ready to start your ride.

Tip no.3: Raise the kickstand.

Hold on to the handlebars while you raise the kickstand. Once the kickstand no longer supports the scooter, it may start to lean, so be prepared to support it.

  • You may start your ride by kicking off from the ground. Be sure to place your weak leg on the scooter and kick off from the ground using your strong leg. The scooter will start moving at a slow speed.
  • Be in an upright position, which is how you walk around anyway. As the footboard of the scooter is just slightly elevated from the ground, it will make riding the electric scooter very comfortable.
  • Press the throttle steadily. Get a good feel of the scooter and increase pressure steadily.
  • To turn, rotate the handlebars. How’s that again? To turn with the scooter, just rotate the handlebars in the direction you want to go in. Again, all movements should be nice and smooth.
  • If you want to lean, you may, but don’t lean too far, or you might end up taking a tumble.
  • When do you use the brakes?  To brake, do it slowly using the rear brake and lean back – just a bit, slightly, bending from the knees, as if you’re about to sit down on a chair.

Once you’re done with your first ride, park your scooter in a designated area that’s safe and follow the local rules set specifically for electric scooters. Retrace what you did when you wanted to start your electric scooter.   Put down the kickstand, turn off the power, then lock the scooter when you’re finished with your ride.

Well, wasn’t that just easy?  Following the easy, seven steps is no sweat! There you go now,  you’ve completed your first ride. Remember to practice, practice, practice, do it as often as you can, and in no time, you’ll be like a pro. Swishing through, weaving in and out, riding your high quality electric scooter, and avoiding standstill traffic will be a great way to start and end your day wherever it is you’re headed.




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