Barrister Known as White Witch of Rye Receives Suspended Jail Sentence After Violently Harassing Elderly Magician in Rye

Barrister Known as White Witch of Rye Receives Suspended Jail Sentence After Violently Harassing Elderly Magician in Rye

A woman nicknamed the “White Witch of Rye” has been given a suspended prison sentence after admitting to harassing an elderly magician and causing extensive damage to his property.

Barbara Maura Lane, 42, attacked Alfred Douglas, an 80-year-old expert on tarot and the occult, in a drunken rage at his home in Rye, East Sussex.

Lane, a former barrister, pleaded guilty to multiple charges including harassment and criminal damage.

Lane’s Obsession with Magician Turns Violent

The disturbing incident began when Lane, who had become obsessed with Mr. Douglas after enrolling in his magic course, flew into a rage while visiting his shop last May.

According to reports, she was angered by a portrait of King Charles III and Union Jack decorations, which led her to damage his possessions and go on a violent outburst, including smashing a greenhouse and smearing food on his computer.

Mr. Douglas was forced to lock himself in his bathroom out of fear.

Lane’s Control Over Douglas and His Financial Affairs Raises Concerns

What started as a seemingly innocent friendship between Lane and Mr. Douglas turned darker over time.

She initially stayed in his garden flat under the pretense of needing a place to stay, but her behavior soon raised alarm among his family.

Friends noticed how Lane seemed to have control over Douglas’s finances, meals, and even social interactions.

In a shocking twist, Mr. Douglas later discovered that she had manipulated him into making her the sole beneficiary of his £1.5 million property.

Disturbing Allegations of Abuse and Intimidation

Lane’s controlling and aggressive behavior escalated as she reportedly verbally abused Mr. Douglas, telling him he was “old, sick, and dying.”

His family described how Lane’s drunken rages would result in her smashing household items, and they became increasingly worried about his safety.

Mr. Douglas’s nephew, Paul Wilson-Patterson, and his wife, Anna, documented Lane’s violent outbursts, fearing for the elderly magician’s life.

The Day of the Violent Rampage

Things came to a head on Coronation Day last May when Lane became enraged by patriotic symbols in Mr. Douglas’s shop.

In a terrifying episode, she attacked the elderly magician, destroyed his greenhouse, and pushed him out of his home.

Family members rushed to the scene to help, only to be confronted by Lane, who reportedly threw hot tea at Anna Wilson-Patterson and assaulted Paul.

Legal Consequences for Lane After Harassment and Damage to Property

In the wake of her violent actions, Lane continued to harass Mr. Douglas and his family, sending countless emails and text messages in violation of her bail conditions.

At trial, Lane pleaded guilty to charges of harassment and criminal damage.

She was sentenced to four months in prison, suspended for 18 months, and ordered to pay over £2,500 in compensation.

She was also handed a restraining order, preventing any contact with Mr. Douglas for five years.

Family’s Relief and Ongoing Concerns Over Lane’s Behavior

Mr. Wilson-Patterson and his wife expressed relief that the traumatic episode was finally over, but they noted the lasting impact it had on Mr. Douglas, who was left shaken and upset.

They also warned others to be cautious about trusting Lane, describing her as a dangerous individual who always played the victim despite her malicious behavior.

In addition to the suspended sentence, Lane was required to complete 150 hours of unpaid work and attend 20 rehabilitation days.

The Aftermath: Family Grapples with the Emotional Toll

The Wilson-Patterson family has described how the ordeal has left them emotionally drained and deeply concerned for Mr. Douglas’s well-being.

While they are glad the legal process has brought some closure, they remain haunted by the cruelty and manipulation Lane exhibited throughout the years. They hope their story serves as a cautionary tale for others.