Barbara Maura Lane Faces Jail for Stalking and Assaulting Occult Expert Alfred Douglas in East Sussex

Barbara Maura Lane, also known as the ‘White Witch of Rye,’ faces potential jail time for a series of disturbing actions against Alfred Douglas, a renowned author and occult expert.

The 42-year-old barrister’s fascination with Douglas led to a campaign of harassment and criminal damage, culminating in a violent confrontation.

An Obsession Begins

Lane’s fixation on Douglas began after she enrolled in one of his magic courses. Alfred Douglas, 82, is a respected figure in the occult community, with expertise in tarot cards and having even advised the late actor Peter Sellers.

Initially, Lane’s visits to Douglas’s home in Rye, East Sussex, appeared innocent, as she expressed interest in his extensive library on the occult.

In 2020, Lane persuaded Douglas to let her stay at his home, claiming she had nowhere to live following her father’s death and her mother’s stroke.

However, her behavior soon raised alarm among Douglas’s friends and family.

Coercive Control and Isolation

Paul Wilson-Patterson, Douglas’s nephew, described how Lane quickly became an integral part of Douglas’s life, taking control of his finances and daily activities.

She restricted his interactions, controlled his diet, and manipulated his wardrobe choices.

Locally known as the ‘White Witch of Rye,’ Lane falsely portrayed herself as Douglas’s carer, spreading rumors about his mental state to further isolate him from his social circle.

Escalating Violence

Lane’s behavior grew increasingly erratic and violent. Mr. Wilson-Patterson recalled incidents where Lane flew into drunken rages, smashing household items and frightening the elderly Douglas.

Concerns escalated when Douglas changed his will, naming Lane as the sole beneficiary of his property, worth approximately £1.5 million.

Fearing for his safety, Douglas installed heavy bolts on his bedroom door.

Despite these measures, Lane managed to break in one night, throwing books at him while he lay in bed. Although terrified, Douglas did not report the incident to the police.

Coronation Day Confrontation

The situation reached a critical point on Coronation Day last May. Lane, an Irish republican, reacted violently to a portrait of the King and Union Jack decorations in Douglas’s shop.

Witnesses reported that she assaulted the shop manager and Douglas, destroying property and physically ejecting him from his own home.

When Douglas’s family arrived, Lane assaulted Mr. Wilson-Patterson and his wife, throwing hot tea at them and smashing a glass panel on the front door.

Legal Consequences

Unrepentant, Lane told police she was Douglas’s carer and claimed he owed her £6,000. However, she now faces seven charges, including stalking, criminal damage, and assault.

During her trial at Brighton Magistrates’ Court, Lane pleaded guilty to harassment without violence and criminal damage.

Judge David Rennie indicated that Lane could face imprisonment, ordering that the remaining charges be set aside. She was released on bail, with sentencing scheduled for July 5.

Impact on Douglas and Family

The ordeal has left a profound impact on Douglas and his family. Mr. Wilson-Patterson’s wife, Anna, described Lane as a ‘succubus,’ expressing their fear of finding Douglas dead due to her violent tendencies.

The family’s relief at her impending sentencing is palpable, but the emotional and psychological scars from Lane’s coercive control and harassment remain.

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