Attorney General’s Testimony: Key Points from the Address”

Introduction: Address to the Committee

Good morning, Chairman Jordan, Ranking Member Nadler, and esteemed members of this Committee.

I am grateful for the opportunity to stand before you today on behalf of the Department of Justice’s 115,000 dedicated employees.

The Department’s Historic Role

Since its inception, the Department of Justice has been entrusted with addressing some of the most complex and pressing issues facing our nation.

Today, we tackle matters of immense public interest, matters that hold significant implications for our democracy.

Clarifying the Department’s Identity

There have been numerous discussions about the Justice Department—what we are, what we do, and why we do it.

I aim to provide clarity on these matters.

Who We Are

The Justice Department comprises over 115,000 individuals who serve in every corner of our nation and worldwide.

They include FBI, DEA, ATF agents, and U.S. Marshals who put their lives on the line to serve their communities.

What We Do and What We Don’t

Our core mission is to ensure the safety of our country. This includes collaborating closely with local law enforcement to combat violent crime.

Today, we announce the results of a significant U.S. Marshals operation that led to 4,400 arrests in 20 cities within three months.

Our duties also involve countering drug cartels that pose a threat to American society.

Recently, we successfully extradited Ovidio Guzman Lopez, a key figure in the Sinaloa Cartel, to the United States.

Furthermore, we seek justice for survivors of child exploitation, human smuggling, and sex trafficking.

We are committed to safeguarding democratic institutions, exemplified by our efforts to hold those responsible for the January 6 attack on the Capitol accountable.

Protecting Civil Rights and Upholding the Rule of Law

Another vital aspect of our work is safeguarding civil rights.

This includes preserving Americans’ freedom to worship and express their beliefs while protecting voting rights and combating discrimination and hate crimes.

Our paramount duty is upholding the rule of law, treating all individuals equally.

Independence and Accountability

We are independent in our pursuit of justice, free from external influence. Our allegiance is to the American people, guided by facts and the law, not political convenience.

Historical Perspective and Personal Connection

The Department’s origin dates back to the aftermath of the Civil War and Reconstruction, primarily focused on bringing justice to white supremacists who terrorized Black Americans.

Today, our mission remains rooted in the promise of equal treatment under the law.

A Personal Journey

My own family’s history underscores the importance of this promise. Fleeing religious persecution in Eastern Europe, my grandmother and some of her siblings found refuge in the United States.

Tragically, others did not survive the Holocaust. My grandmother’s safety was assured by America’s laws, highlighting the exceptional protection our nation offers.

A Lifelong Dedication

My professional journey has been defined by a commitment to repaying the debt my family owes to this country.

I’ve served the Justice Department under various administrations, on the bench for over 25 years, and returned to the Department two and a half years ago.

Closing Remarks and Anticipation of Questions

I stand before you today because I believe in upholding the rule of law and protecting the principles that make our democracy strong.

I eagerly await your questions.

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