AT&T Discloses Massive Data Breach Affecting 110 Million Subscribers, Raises Concerns Over Privacy and Security

In a concerning development, AT&T has disclosed a significant data breach affecting nearly all of its 110 million wireless subscribers.

This breach, spanning over five months in 2022, has left customers anxious about the extent of leaked information.

The stolen data includes records of calls and texts made between May 1 and October 31, 2022, with some additional data from January 2, 2023.

While customer names were not directly exposed, hackers could potentially connect phone numbers to identities using publicly available tools.

Hackers gained access to cell site identification numbers linked to calls and texts, revealing the approximate locations of parties involved.

This could particularly jeopardize high-profile individuals, such as politicians and executives, by exposing their communication networks.

AT&T’s Response and Investigation

AT&T discovered the breach in April but delayed notifying customers until July, following guidance from the US Department of Justice.

The company has taken steps to secure affected accounts and plans to launch a website where customers can check if their data was compromised.

Past Incidents and Legal Ramifications

This isn’t AT&T’s first cybersecurity incident this year.

Earlier breaches exposed sensitive information like social security numbers and personal data of millions of customers, resulting in widespread legal challenges and regulatory scrutiny.

In the aftermath of these breaches, AT&T faces multiple class-action lawsuits alleging negligence in safeguarding customer data.

The company continues to cooperate with law enforcement agencies in ongoing investigations to mitigate further risks and reassure its customer base.