Pizza Hut’s LeadHERship programme empowers young women to achieve their ambitions

Lindiwe Mabesa, a 21-year-old woman from Soweto, is one of the many young women who have benefited from Pizza Hut’s LeadHERship programme.

The programme, in partnership with the government’s Youth Employment Service (YES), places young women aged between 18 and 24 from marginalised communities in a 12-month work experience programme which are fully funded by Pizza Hut.

After completing the programme in February 2023, Mabesa secured a full-time job as a legal administration assistant at an intellectual property law firm.

She is one of 35 beneficiaries from the LeadHERship programme who have gone on to secure full-time employment.

Graduates from the LeadHERship programme are placed with organisations that are making a difference in their communities.

Some are joining the Youth Content Collective, which helps young black creatives harness their potential and become micro-entrepreneurs.

Others are collaborating with Click Learning, which deploys online English literacy programs in underprivileged primary schools across South Africa.

A third group are gaining valuable experience across various sectors, including arts, entertainment, recreation, and education, through the Youth@work initiative.

The LeadHERship initiative goes beyond simply providing internships.

It aims to change young women’s lives by actively empowering them and teaching them social and work readiness skills, which exponentially increases their chances of long-term employability.

Pizza Hut’s LeadHERship programme empowers young women to achieve their ambitions

Pizza Hut’s LeadHERship programme is a 12-month work experience programme that places young women aged between 18 and 24 from marginalised communities in organisations that are making a difference in their communities. The programme aims to

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