Arnold Schwarzenegger Detained at Munich Airport Over Unclaimed $21,000 Watch – Customs Officials Investigate Charity Auction Concerns

Customs Drama at Munich Airport:

Hollywood icon Arnold Schwarzenegger reportedly faced detainment by customs officials at Munich Airport over an undeclared watch valued at $21,000 (£16,555).

The Terminator actor, aged 76, allegedly underwent a three-hour search of his luggage after customs officials expressed concerns about the watch’s potential inclusion in a charity auction event.

Charity Auction Speculations:

The watch, owned by Schwarzenegger, raised suspicions among customs officials, who believed it might be auctioned off for a charity cause.

International commerce laws dictate that if the watch were intended for auction, it should have been declared upon import.

Munich’s customs spokesperson, Thomas Meister, stated that officers initiated criminal tax proceedings in response to the situation.

Procedural Compliance and Tax Proceedings:

Sources claim that Schwarzenegger adhered to the presented procedures and was not asked to fill out a declaration form.

It is reported that the actor cooperated at every step, answering questions honestly during the encounter.

Despite describing the incident as an “incompetent shakedown,” a source noted that Schwarzenegger agreed to pay fees and taxes in advance, emphasizing that the watch was his personal property.

Challenges and Resolution:

The situation reportedly grew stressful when the card reader malfunctioned, hindering Arnold from withdrawing the required amount from an ATM.

With banks closed, a new card reader was issued, enabling the actor to settle the matter eventually.

The alleged comedy of errors in the entire process could be a potential plot for a cop movie.

Charity Initiative and Tax Payments:

In response to the incident, a source highlighted that Arnold Schwarzenegger’s charity, The Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative, would properly report the situation.

The charity auctions organized by Schwarzenegger reportedly raise millions of dollars annually for after-school programs in the United States and environmental initiatives worldwide.

The source expressed hope that Germany focuses on economic recovery efforts as much as tax inquiries on personal property.


The incident raises questions about the intricacies of international tax and import regulations, especially concerning items intended for charitable purposes.

It also emphasizes the challenges faced by celebrities in navigating such situations and the broader implications for philanthropic efforts.

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