Apply for NIRSAL Agro Geo-Cooperative Loan 2021 (Get Up to N5 Million for a start-up)
NIRSAL PLC is calling on all smallholder farmers, farmer leaders and aggregators to key into its Agro Geo-Cooperative model created for the purpose of sustainable farm/field structuring and governance, to enable sustainable access to finance, quality inputs and structured markets through NIRSAL’s facilitation.
The exercise aims to establish 16,000 farmland cooperatives (from 10 hectares to 20,001 hectares and more) on 4 million hectares of farmland and involve approximately 8 million Nigerian farmers, of whom about 12 million metric tons of grain products have the same production. expect.
GPE) for a longer period via an annualized manner.
Therefore, community leaders, individuals, companies, legal entities, graduates, N-Power beneficiaries, active and retired leaders and farmers: ADP Program, World Bank FADAMA Program, USAID Market Program, IFAD Value Chain Development Program, Climate Adaptation and World Bank Business Assistance Program, AfDB Agriculture Program, DFID Propcom Microcry Program, SASSAKAWA Global 2000 Program and others who meet NIRSAL PLC eligibility requirements and who have or have access to their communities and farmers.
pushed. Take advantage of this opportunity as a source of employment and a source of income by supporting the productive activities of our self-supporting agricultural cooperative.
The only Portal to apply is
NIRSAL PLC is calling on all smallholder farmers, farmer leaders and aggregators – particularly for Dry Season and Non-Seasonal Commodities – to take advantage of the NIRSAL AgroGeoCoop® formation exercise which is currently structuring smallholder farmers for access to finance, trainings, markets and more.
How to Apply
- First visit
- Click on “Apply” link
- Select name of Name of Enrollee
1.Socio-Economic Status
– Youth
– Corporate body
– Existing Enterprise
– Community Leader
– An NPOWER beneficiary
– Unemployed Graduate
– Active/Retired leader & Farmer in the ADP program
– Active/Retired leader & Farmer in the USAID MARKETS Program
– Active/Retired leader & Farmer in the World bank FADAMA program
– Active/Retired leader & Farmer in the DFID’s Propcom Maikarfi Program
– Active/Retired leader & Farmer in the SASSAKAWA Global 2000 Program
– Active/Retired leader & Farmer in the IFAD Value Chain Development Program
– Active/Retired leader & Farmer in the World Bank Climate Adaptation and Business Support Program
– Others - Click on “Next” button
Details of Proposed Agro Geo Cooperative (AGC)
2. Proposed Name of AGC
(Enter your answer in textbox)
3. State (Where the farmland is located)
(Enter your answer in textbox)
4. Local Government Area of Farmland
(Enter your answer in textbox)
5. Email Address
(Enter your answer in textbox)
Telephone Number
(Enter your answer in textbox)
7. Agricultural Value Chain (AVC) Production Sector
Select following
Production Sector
Crop Production
8.If you selected Crop production in 7 above, what specific commodity
9.Aquaculture (Catfish or Tilapia)
If you selected Aquaculture in Question 7
(Enter your answer in text box)
10.Poultry (Broiler production only)
If you selected Poultry in Question 7
(Enter your answer in text box)
11.Livestock ( Indicative Capacity)
If you selected Livestock in Question 7
(Enter your answer in text box)
12. Number of farmers
(Enter your answer in text box)
Number of hectares
Please state here, the size of the farmland in Hectares
14. Coordinates of Proposed Agro Geo Cooperative (AGC)
(Enter your answer in text box)
15. AGC President’s Name
The AGC President is responsible for the overall farm management and administration of the Agro GeoCooperative.
(Enter your answer in text box)
16. AGC President’s Gender
17. AGC President’s Date of Birth ( Day / Month/ Year)
18. AGC President’s Contact Address
(Enter your answer in textbox)
19. AGC President’s Contact Address
(Enter your answer in textbox)
20. AGC President’s Telephone Number
(Enter your answer in textbox)
21. AGC President’s Academic Qualification
(Enter your answer in textbox)
22. AGC President’s Work Experience
(Enter your answer in textbox)
23. Have you ever mobilized/coordinated a group of farmers?
24. Have you successfully held a leadership role in a group?
There are more details fill carefully.
1. Prequalified AGC Leaders will be contacted and linked to respective NIRSAL’s Head Project Monitoring Reporting and Remediation Offices (PMROs) for detailed briefing on AGC formation and issuance of guidelines and formation/submission forms.
2. This form is not transferable to any third party without prior written consent and approval of NIRSAL Plc.
3. Completion and submission of this form does not confirm any right or obligation on NIRSAL Plc or any other Agency (Organization) to approve the loan application. Therefore, submission of a completed form is just an expression of interest to participate in the program which is subject to approval or rejection.
4. NIRSAL is hereby indemnified for any loss suffered as a result of any action taken regarding the completion and submission of application form, the Loan (if approved) or the entire program