Second fire in Johannesburg has killed two little toddlers.

This morning, a fire at an informal settlement in Fleurhof, Johannesburg, claimed the lives of two children and injured their mother.

Joburg’s emergency services spokesman Robert Mulaudzi says there is still a tremendous need and room to extend programs to teach people, especially those who live in shacks, on how to avoid fires that end up killing them.

Also, Parliament will look into the recent blaze in Joburg.
What started the blaze that killed those kids?
Two children, ages 2 and 5, were killed and 44 shacks were demolished in a recent event, as Mulaudzi described.

“At about two in the morning, emergency personnel were called to the scene after reports of burning shacks. According to the initial information we received from here, a carelessly lit candle was thought to be to blame for the incident.

Fire safety advice that could save your home and your life is available here as well.
Almost the Same!
While all is going on, 77 more people have reportedly perished in the building fire in Marshalltown, Johannesburg. After hearing that a 77-year-old patient had passed away, this was the next logical step.

Spokesperson for the Gauteng Department of Health Motalatale Modiba reported that 88 individuals were admitted to hospitals after being rescued by paramedics, but that only 31 people are still there currently.
Also see: Tshwane will help bury those who died in the Itireleng hut fire
“There are 74 bodies in the morgue that have yet to be accounted for among the hospital’s patient population. According to Modiba, “44 families visited the Diepkloof mortuary to confirm the status of their loved ones, and 9 bodies were confirmed.”

He argues that the department’s main challenge is that so many individuals have been burned to death, making it difficult to identify the bodies. According to him, in other cases, the DNA of relatives will be utilized to determine the link and identify the bodies.
Also see: [VIDEO] Help with funeral arrangements for victims of the Itireleng hut fire.
Read more articles by Nozibusiso Mazibukao by clicking here.

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