Accelerating the growth and transformation of advanced manufacturing sector

Economic and Regional Development Minister Stuart Nash launched the draft Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan for public consultation at the EMEX Trade Show in Auckland today. Budget 2022 included $30 million to enable the first stages of implementation of the Plan.
“Advanced manufacturing is a core sector for New Zealand, accounting for more than 10% of both our economy and workforce. The launch of this Industry Transformation Plan today represents our Government’s commitment to a high-wage, low-emissions economy,” Stuart Nash said.
“Our Government announced eight different Industry Transformation Plans (ITPs) targeting sectors with significant potential for transformational change. We are developing these plans in partnership with business, unions and workers, Māori and wider stakeholders to identify both a long-term vision and short-term actions to strengthen the performance of our core sectors.
“The advanced manufacturing sector is not only our largest contributor to exports, accounting for 73.5% of goods exports ($44.5 billion), it also represents the diversity of Aotearoa. It’s the second largest employer of Māori and largest employer of Pasifika, and makes up a significant share of employment in regional New Zealand.
“ITPs are a key mechanism for implementing our industry policy, and this plan will provide an overview of New Zealand’s advanced manufacturing sector and outline a series of actions to accelerate its growth and transformation.
“Ultimately, the final plan will help increase the productivity of advanced manufacturing in New Zealand while transforming it into a sustainable, circular and globally competitive low emissions sector,” Stuart Nash said.
Public consultation on the draft Advanced Manufacturing ITP is open from 1 June to 13 July 2022. There are a range of opportunities for engagement over the next six weeks, including in-person workshops and webinars throughout New Zealand.

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