A vicious dog owner who cut both of his Doberman’s ears and left them protruding is permanently prohibited from possessing pets

A vicious dog owner who cut both of his Doberman’s ears and left them protruding is permanently prohibited from possessing pets.

Birmingham veterinarians informed the RSPCA of a potential animal welfare problem.

Ali Raza Nazam received a 12-week sentence with one year of probation.

A vicious dog owner who severed the Doberman’s ears and left them hanging off was permanently prohibited from possessing dogs.

After RSPCA inspectors discovered Ali Raza Nazam, 27,’s brutal deeds, a 12-week prison term with a one-year suspension was given to him.

After Nazam brought his Doberman Georgia into the surgery on January 17, 2022, Birmingham veterinarians notified the RSPCA of a potential animal welfare concern.

The unfortunate Georgia’s ears had been badly clipped and were beginning to separate from her head, which astounded the vets.

The dog still had rotting flesh and infection near her ears, as well as a lingering odour.

Before deciding to take Georgia to see specialists after detecting blood, Nazam had only owned her for five weeks.

Georgia, who was brought from Hungary, had a cut at the base of the ear pinna, a haematoma, a swelling containing blood, and pus discharge from both ears.

Her ear pinnae had both been removed.

The cartilage of her right ear was partially exposed, and she suffered numerous lacerations.

She had also had her dewclaws removed, and her tail had been docked.

Investigators contended that Nazam’s assertion that he used tape to keep the dog’s ears up just 24 hours before discovering blood was false.

In a horrible fad known as “ear cropping,” dog owners permanently raise their pets’ ears to give the appearance of hostility.

There have been 1,191 reports of ear cropping made to the RSPCA only since the year 2020 began.

It is a harsh surgery that is frequently carried out on puppies without any veterinary assistance or anaesthesia, and it can result in excruciating pain and suffering for the animal.

In many instances, irresponsible breeders who want to sell their animals for more money shape or remove the ear flap using tools like scissors and knives.

A dog’s capacity to communicate may also be harmed by ear trimming, which could permanently affect their social abilities.

At Birmingham Magistrates’ Court, Nazam was given a lifelong ban on owning dogs in addition to being ordered to pay £3,000 in costs and put in 200 hours of unpaid labour.

According to a veterinarian report given to the court, “Nazam states that there was blood present just 24 hours after he had applied the tape to the ears.”

If so, the tapes must have been put in a way that cut through the skin, causing the significant lacerations at the base of the ear pinnae.

This may have happened in one of two ways: either he applied the tapes very tightly, cutting right through the skin, or the tapes had been on for a much longer, slowly pressuring the ear pinnae to necrosis.

As a result of the person in charge of the animal’s welfare taping the ear pinnae, which caused skin abrasions and extensive ischaemic necrosis of the ear pinnae, failing to protect Georgia from harm, pain, and suffering, I believe that her needs had not been met to the extent demanded by good practise.

Because the person responsible neglected to seek immediate veterinary care regarding the ear injuries, her needs have not been handled to the level demanded by good practise.

This delay had a negative impact on Georgia.

Inspector Boris Lasserre, who conducted the investigation for the animal protection organisation, lamented the tendency of clipping dogs’ ears, followed by taping or splinting them to create the illusion that they are always awake.

Simply said, it’s a fashion trend that affects dog welfare; there are no benefits for dogs.

There is no proof that cutting or taping a dog’s ears has any advantages.

It breaks my heart to see dogs like Georgia being tortured and mutilated just so their owners can think it looks more lovely.

Animals demand our attention and care; they are not toys or accessories.

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