Pope Francis Declares the Year of St. Joseph in 2020 to Honor the 150th Anniversary of St. Joseph’s Patronage Over the Universal Church

Pope Francis Declares the Year of St. Joseph in 2020 to Honor the 150th Anniversary of St. Joseph’s Patronage Over the Universal Church

In December 2020, Pope Francis declared the Year of St. Joseph, marking a special occasion in the Church’s history.

This proclamation aligned with the 150th anniversary of St. Joseph being declared the patron saint of the universal Church by Blessed Pius IX in 1870.

It was a moment to reflect on the deep significance of St. Joseph’s role within Christianity and the Church, particularly his fatherly presence in the life of Jesus Christ.

The Legacy of Blessed Pius IX and Pope Leo XIII

In his 1870 proclamation Quemadmodum Deus, Blessed Pius IX emphasized the special bond between Joseph and Jesus, highlighting how Joseph not only saw and embraced Christ but also nurtured him with love and care.

This powerful message continued with Pope Leo XIII in 1889, who devoted an entire encyclical, Quamquam Pluries, to St. Joseph. Leo XIII described St. Joseph as the guardian and protector of the divine house, which at that time, symbolized the Church itself.

He saw Joseph as a model of virtue and protection, particularly in a world where the Church was confronting the rise of modern challenges.

St. Joseph’s Relevance in a Changing World

As the modern world began to grapple with industrialization and the rise of socialism, the Church looked to St. Joseph as a figure of stability and virtue.

Pope Leo XIII recognized the challenges workers faced and urged them to look to St. Joseph as a model of dignity in labor.

He believed that Joseph’s humble work as a carpenter demonstrated that labor could be ennobled through virtue.

His words in Quamquam Pluries encouraged workers to view their labor as an opportunity for personal growth and spiritual elevation.

In 1955, Pope Pius XII instituted the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker on May 1, coinciding with international labor celebrations, to provide a Christian alternative to the communist May Day.

Pope Pius XII’s words, “Go to Joseph,” resonated as a call for all Christians to turn to St. Joseph for guidance in their work and life struggles.

St. Joseph’s Role as the Protector of Workers

St. Joseph’s significance as the protector of workers continued through the 20th century.

Pope Benedict XV in 1920 and Pope Pius XI in 1937 both underscored his role as a defender of the working class, offering his intercession as a safeguard against the rise of atheistic communism.

These popes recognized Joseph’s own struggles with poverty and his role as the head of the Holy Family, portraying him as a symbol of Christian justice and virtue in the face of societal injustice.

St. Joseph: A Model of Fatherhood

While St. Joseph’s life as a worker was highlighted in various papal teachings, his vocation as a father was equally significant.

St. John Paul II, who saw the challenges of fatherhood in his home country of Poland, viewed St. Joseph as a model for his own priestly fatherhood.

In his writings, particularly in Redemptoris Custos (1989), St. John Paul II reflected on Joseph’s role as the father of Jesus, emphasizing the deep mystery of God’s fatherhood reflected through Joseph’s relationship with Christ.

For St. John Paul II, Joseph’s fatherhood was a profound witness to the strength of paternal love and guidance.

Pope Francis and His Personal Reflection on St. Joseph

In 2020, Pope Francis released Patris Corde, a letter reflecting on the importance of St. Joseph, especially during the pandemic.

He described Joseph as a humble, hidden figure whose life of sacrifice and care offers a model for contemporary Christians, particularly those experiencing struggles.

Pope Francis highlighted Joseph’s quiet presence and protective care as an example for all who face difficult times.

The Power of St. Joseph’s Intercession

Throughout history, the Church has called upon St. Joseph’s intercession, particularly in times of difficulty.

Pope Leo XIII included a special prayer to St. Joseph at the end of the Rosary, asking for his protection over the Church and the faithful.

This prayer continues to be a source of comfort and strength for many today, as they seek Joseph’s guidance and intercession in their lives.

St. Joseph’s Unseen Influence in Salvation History

Pope Francis’ call to honor St. Joseph in the Year of St. Joseph was a reminder of how important hidden figures are in the larger story of salvation.

St. Joseph’s role as a protector, provider, and father was crucial to God’s plan for humanity.

Pope Francis emphasized that those who live in the shadows, like St. Joseph, often play the most significant roles in the history of salvation.

A Continued Legacy of St. Joseph in the Modern Church

In the 150 years since St. Joseph was declared patron of the Church, nearly every pope has found ways to deepen devotion to him.

The humility and simplicity of St. Joseph’s life provide a lasting example of how faith and work can go hand in hand, encouraging Christians to live out their vocations with integrity and care.

His story continues to inspire Christians around the world as they seek to navigate the complexities of modern life.

St. Joseph’s Enduring Message for Today’s World

The Church’s continued devotion to St. Joseph is a testament to the timeless relevance of his life and virtues.

In a world that faces countless challenges, his example remains a source of hope and guidance.

For Christians, St. Joseph’s humble but powerful role in salvation history offers an enduring message of faith, work, and family.