South African Shoppers Can Save Money by Comparing Grocery Prices Across Woolworths, Pick n Pay, Shoprite and Checkers in Gauteng This Week

South African Shoppers Can Save Money by Comparing Grocery Prices Across Woolworths, Pick n Pay, Shoprite and Checkers in Gauteng This Week

The increasing cost of living is a reality many South African families are grappling with.

Prices are on the rise, leaving consumers feeling the pinch as their budgets stretch thinner each month.

However, there’s good news. You don’t have to accept higher prices at every store.

There are ways to save, and we’re here to help you navigate through the grocery shopping maze.

How We Can Help You Save on Groceries

The South African website is dedicated to helping readers find ways to save money while shopping.

Instead of paying more at one retailer, why not compare prices and see where you can get the best deal?

This week, we’re focusing on a popular grocery item—Coca-Cola Original Less Sugar.

We’ve compared prices from four major South African supermarkets to find out which one offers the best value.

The Price Comparison: Shoprite vs. Pick n Pay vs. Woolworths vs. Checkers

We’ve gathered the latest price information from four of South Africa’s favourite supermarkets: Woolworths, Checkers, Shoprite, and Pick n Pay.

So, which store has the best price this week?

Here’s a breakdown of the results:

Rank Supermarket This Week Last Week % Change
1 Shoprite R816.84 R822.84 -0.7%
2 Pick n Pay R833.84 R833.84 No change
3 Woolworths R837.84 R837.84 No change
4 Checkers R886.84 R870.84 +1.84%

As you can see, Shoprite is the cheapest this week, with a small decrease from last week, while Checkers saw the biggest price hike.

What’s in Our Grocery Basket?

We didn’t just focus on one item; we compared the prices of 16 common household items to give you a full picture of which supermarket offers the best overall value.

Keep in mind that we didn’t factor in any discounts, promotions, or loyalty card specials.

And when the exact brand wasn’t available, we used the nearest house-brand alternative.

Here’s a closer look at the prices of some household staples:

Product Checkers Shoprite Pick n Pay Woolworths
500g Fatti’s & Moni’s spaghetti R19.99 R19.99 R19.99 R22.99
400g Black Cat smooth peanut butter R54.99 R49.99 R49.99 R49.99
1kg Jungle Oats R49.99 R46.99 R46.99 R49.99
2L Coca-Cola Original Less Sugar Bottle R27.99 R26.99 R26.99 R27.99
Nescafe Ricoffy Instant Coffee 750g R169.99 R154.99 R159.99 R153.99

Total Cost Breakdown

After comparing all 16 items, here’s how the totals stack up:

  • Checkers: R886.84
  • Shoprite: R816.84
  • Pick n Pay: R833.84
  • Woolworths: R837.84

Shoprite remains the most affordable option this week, while Checkers, despite being one of the big players, ends up being the most expensive.

Conclusion: Can You Save by Switching Supermarkets?

With prices constantly fluctuating, it’s worth keeping track of where you shop and how much you spend.

Would you consider switching your regular store if it meant saving a few extra rands?