Tim Rosenman, Whitney Port’s husband, expressed concern about her weight from “an aesthetic point of view.”

Tim Rosenman, Whitney Port’s husband, expressed concern about her weight because he believed she could “be hotter” if she gained 10-15 pounds.For Dailymail.com, by Sarah Sotoodeh Updated: 14:13, August 30, 2023 EDT

Tim Rosenman, the husband of Whitney Port, stated that he would want his wife to be 10 to 15 pounds heavier because he feels that she would ‘be hotter’ in that condition.

On Tuesday’s episode of her podcast With Whit, Tim expressed his worries regarding her weight.According to him, he told Whitney, 38, he was first worried about her weight because he believed she was “too thin from an aesthetic point of view” and that if she put on some weight, she may look “hotter,” he stated on the show.Tim stated that discussing this on her podcast could “open [him] up to being an a**hole,” but that from an aesthetic standpoint, he “personally prefer[s][s][her] with another 10 to 15 pounds.”

I was worried that you could be sexier with 10 or 15 more pounds, and maybe that’s f****d up, he continued later. Whitney, who has a six-year-old son named Sonny with Tim, claimed that her comments regarding her weight had been “blown out of proportion.”She claimed that by speaking up, she left herself open to hearing many various viewpoints.Tim said, “I believe you cited me as saying I was concerned, and sure, you’re correct, that let the press and everyone else know the husband is worried. Whitney must have a problem with her eating.

Let’s correct the record, okay? It’s up to me to clarify what I meant by my concern, I suppose.I was worried that you were too thin from an aesthetic point of view, which might expose me to being an a**hole or something, he added. “So this is how it went down, we’re at the beach and you just looked very skinny and you often don’t finish your meals,” he continued.However, from a personal aesthetic standpoint, I think you look better with an additional 10 to 15 pounds on you. Seeing someone who is underweight and assuming they have an eating disorder is simple today.

Right away, there is a blatant double standard because, he continued, “You would be crucified if you did.” Whitney advised against criticizing someone’s weight unless the person truly believes it to be unhealthy.”It’s acceptable to express concern for someone’s health if you weigh 300 pounds, have a high risk of developing cardiac disease or stroke, or both. Now that I am intimately familiar with you, I am not concerned about your health… All of them, I know,” he declared.

She is “in the 99 percentile in all of this stuff,” according to a blood test and exam Tim said they had. He added that he isn’t worried about her health because he knows she is healthy.Tim said, pointing out that she has a “super palate,” “I was just wondering if you had some kind of strained relationship with food, with appearance, with being in the public eye.”Her husband said, “People took what I said and gave you an eating disorder and you’re ‘unhealthy’ and all this stuff, but that is just not the case.”Yes, I mean, it made me want to examine my connection with food more because I dislike the way I appear on the outside.

Whitney remarked, “Like I can tell I’ve dropped weight when I look in the mirror.She claimed that getting sick and “ripping up my esophagus” were the causes of her weight loss, adding that she believes the situation has “been blown out of proportion,” Whitney said in her podcast.

Whitney admitted she wants to get stronger and visit a nutritionist, focusing on her choosy eating habits.”I believe it is OK to be worried for someone’s health if they are unwell. I don’t believe you’re unwell.

You cited me as having expressed worry, and everyone took that to heart,” Tim added.Whitney remarked, “I didn’t expect it would get taken out of context so much because the issue could go in numerous ways.The worry was that gaining 10 to 15 pounds may make you appear sexier. I ought to have stated that. That might possibly be messed up. People might come after me for that, but because I’ve accompanied you to the doctor, I’m not worried about your health, Tim remarked.

She said, “I just want to believe my truth, which is that I think I am a little underweight on the scale, but I don’t have an eating disorder, and I’m going to talk to a nutritionist to just discuss it like mentioned, and get on top of it.

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