Primary school teacher faces charges for mistreating her horse during a hunt

A primary school teacher has appeared in court to face charges of animal cruelty after she is alleged to have kicked and slapped her horse while on a hunt.

Following public outcry over a video showing Sarah Moulds, 37, reportedly kicking and hitting a grey pony named Bruce Almighty, she was fired.

The mother-of-two, who is well-known in the area’s equestrian community, came before Lincoln Crown Court today.

The animal welfare organisation, rather than the police or the Crown Prosecution Service, is bringing the case against her.

In addition to being accused of causing her horse undue suffering, Mrs. Moulds is also accused of failing to take reasonable precautions to keep the pony safe from harm.

Both accusations stem from an incident that happened after a Cottesmore Hunt meeting on November 6, 2017, in the Gunby, Lincolnshire, area known as “The Drift.”

The video of the horsewoman snapping went viral and infuriated people all over the world.

Mrs. Moulds lost her job as a primary school teacher in December 2021 after being suspended as a result of the incident.

She lives with her plumber husband Daniel and children.

World News