7 Books On Business, Charting & Trading

Reading books about trading or business allows you to see other perspectives, ways of thinking and strategies. Books on trading and businesses do not tell you how to make money; they only offer ideas and opinions. These books aren’t telling you what to do but encourage you to develop original strategies. This article looks at some of them. 

Learn Charting and Trading

There are many ways to learn to trade. You need to find a method that works for you and flow with it.

  • Read books about trading and charting. There are many books on trading, but very few are worth reading. The best way to find a good book is to ask other traders what they think of a particular book or author.
  • Watch how other traders trade live or on video. This is a great way to learn new strategies and see how experienced traders handle different situations during live trading hours. 
  • Take online courses. An excellent way to start trading is by taking an online course. Many different courses are available, and they can be a great way to learn the basics of charting and trading.
  • Get mentored. If you want personal guidance, mentoring can be ideal. A mentor will help guide you through the learning process, provide industry insight and answer any questions that come up along the way.  

Trading software is a program that helps you execute trades. You can use it to chart, analyze and manage your investments. The best charting software for day trading will help you make more money and reduce trading costs by automating some of the processes involved in placing orders. 

Many types of trading software are available, and they’re not all created equal. Some provide simple tools for analyzing charts, while others offer powerful multi-asset capabilities to help traders manage complex portfolios across multiple accounts.

Here are some of the best books on business, charting and trading.

Market Wizards

Market Wizards is a series of books that Jack Schwager wrote. The first book in the series was published in 1989, based on interviews he conducted with some of the most successful traders in history.

Schwager’s Market Wizards has become one of the most popular trading books ever written. It’s still used as a reference for traders and aspiring traders worldwide. The book contains interviews with 20 traders who have impacted the financial industry, such as Paul Tudor Jones, Ed Seykota, Jim Rogers, and Michael Marcus.

The book covers topics like psychology and risk management as well as strategies for dealing with different types of markets. It also includes personal stories from each trader about how they got started in the business, what struggles they faced along the way, and how they overcame them.

Trading for a Living 

Trading for a Living is one of the best books ever written on trading psychology and money management. It was written by Alexander Elder, who was once a successful proprietary trader at Morgan Stanley and Lehman Brothers. The book is divided into three parts: the psychology of trading, trading tactics and money management.

The book is very easy to understand and can be read by both novice and experienced traders. The author uses simple language and avoids technical jargon as much as possible in explaining concepts such as risk management, position sizing, and the psychology of trading.

The book provides several tips that can help you improve your trading performance, such as developing an edge over other traders, setting stop losses, and controlling emotions. It’s a great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about becoming successful in trading or working with traders.

The Millionaire Traders: What You Should Know About the World’s Best Day Traders 

The Millionaire Traders is a book by Axel Merk, a renowned investor and author. He has been in the industry for over 40 years and has worked on Wall Street since the 70s. In this book, he talks about how to become a trader and how to succeed as one. The book begins with an introduction to trading and how it differs from investing. It then explains how traders use technical analysis more than fundamental analysis to predict the rise or fall of price movements.

This book will help any beginner learn about trading without spending too much time studying it. It is written in simple terms that are easy to understand, even for those who may have little or no knowledge of financial markets or economics.

Trading in the Zone: Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline, and a Winning Attitude 

Mark Douglas writes this book for serious traders who want to learn how to develop the mental game required for trading success. This book explains how traders can use their minds to control their emotions and thus be more successful in the markets. It’s not about technical analysis or chart reading; it’s about understanding how your mind works and having the discipline to use it properly when trading. The author presents his theory on what makes a top trader and his successes and failures in trading.

The Ultimate Technical Trading Software by Paul Leo

It consists of the top AI trading software used by leading traders. This book is a compilation of the best charting software for day trading used by leading traders. Its purpose is to help you decide which software is best for you, based on your needs, skills and trading style.

If you are new to technical analysis, this book will help you understand how software can make your life easier while trading. If you already use ai trading software but want to expand your knowledge by learning about other programs, this book will provide that information as well.

How to Make Money in Stocks: A Winning System in Good Times or Bad

William O’Neil’s How to Make Money in Stocks is a great read that will help you learn how to trade stocks. It lays out an effective system for picking stocks based on price trends and volume. It also provides a framework for identifying reversals and leveraging those reversal points with options.

A novice investor can easily understand this book and learn how to make money in stocks by following its advice. Advanced traders may find some of the methods too basic, but they will still find value in the detailed explanations of each strategy and how to apply it to the markets today.

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

The Intelligent Investor is the most famous book on value investing ever written. It was first published in 1949 and was revised in 1973. The book explains how to make money by investing in stocks, bonds, and other securities when the stock market was at its peak and investments were considered gambling. The book has been translated into other languages and remains a bestseller.

The book explains the difference between investment and speculation, how to find undervalued stocks, identify them using various criteria, and analyze their financial statements. This can help you make an informed decision about whether or not to invest in them.

This classic has stood the test of time because it focuses on commonsense rules for picking stocks that have a good chance of succeeding over time and buying them when they’re cheap. Graham’s philosophy is based on the idea that value investing requires patience and knowledge about what makes a good investment candidate.

The Lean Startup 

The Lean Startup is a book that will change your thinking about entrepreneurship. Eric Ries introduces a scientific approach to creating and running successful startups. He provides a step-by-step guide for building companies designed to grow fast. He challenges the reader to see the business world as a laboratory for conducting experiments.


It’s hard to know where to start when looking for a book on AI trading and charting. But after reading dozens of different books, we’ve compiled a list of the best books for traders at any level. Some will give you an in-depth look at the strategies that can make you rich, while others are great resources if you’re just starting or want to reevaluate your methods. 

There are so many books on this subject that it can be difficult to narrow down exactly what you’re looking for. But with our guidance, you should have no trouble finding what you need.

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