6 Essential Payrolling & Onboarding Tips to Boost Contingent Worker Satisfaction

Identifying a single factor critical for the success of one company is nearly impossible. However, no one can deny that, in the contemporary incredibly hectic, unpredictable, and fast-paced business arena, mobility certainly climbs to the very top of the list.

The solution to this problem was quickly found in the form of contingent workforce teams that allow companies in question to quickly bridge eventual productivity gaps without having to infrastructural changes.

But we also need to remember that contingent teams also present new sets of challenges, most of which are in the form of engagement, satisfaction, and retention. Let us take a look at a few tips that should help you overcome these hurdles with more efficient onboarding and payrolling.

Streamline and automate onboarding

If you want to make contingent workers a valuable addition to your existing crew, they need to go through a comprehensive onboarding process that will get them up to speed with your existing practices. Doing that, on the other hand, takes a lot of time and effort, which takes a lot of mobility from the whole idea of a contingent workforce, to begin with. 

Trimming down the number of information you need to pass, releasing them in a gradual tier-based manner, and automating the learning process can go a long way in making this problem less taxing.

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Establish practices for managing remote teams

Essentially penning down a list of simple but clear and unequivocal practices for the management of remote teams will take a lot of uncertainties out of this traditionally unpredictable endeavor and give all of your existing and future workers some common denominator they can base their performance upon. 

This level of uniformity, in turn, opens doors for further refinement, a greater level of automation, and strategic planning. You are also putting your efforts into a measurable framework so you are able to establish some much-necessary performance indicators.

Make your onboarding process role-specific

In one of the previous sections, we mentioned that your onboarding process could benefit from a greater level of automation and allow new workers to explore the facets of your company at their own pace and as their work obligations require. 

Well, this process can be made even more efficient by building this learning roadmap around the specific job profiles your company may need in the future.  This profile granulation should extend to other important facets of remote workers’ management like, for instance, documentation, checklists, etc.

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Use available management tools

Now that you have made your internal procedures more streamlined and measurable, it is time to use the available tech tools to build upon these foundations and make your management efforts even more effective. 

Fortunately, the selection of available contingent workforce management tools is more than plentiful and these platforms usually feature robust sets of options designed for optimizing the onboarding process and mitigating the associated risks. Also, these processes are recorded and stored so they can be used for further analytics.

Extend your corporate engagement practices to contingent workers

Due to their specific and often limited role in the operations of one company, these brands rarely extend their corporate engagement practices to contingent teams. This is a big mistake since making these new hires feel more at home, enrolling them in the regular benefit and team-building programs, and treating them as regular staff will encourage new teams to work harder and more efficiently. 

Also, as time goes by and your company scales up, these engagement practices may help turn these per-project hires into regular full-time workers.

Outsource the payroll activities

Last but not least, we would like to quickly cover payroll which makes an essential part of any HR and engagement practice. After all, the workers who are not paid timely and in accordance with the local regulations. 

And keeping in mind that your teams may come from all corners of the world, this may prove to be a task that is too taxing for even the most capable and robust in-house payroll teams. So, you should strongly consider using third-party payroll and employer-of-record services that will make these issues obsolete and give you more maneuvering space.

Wrapping up

So, there you have it – top six tips and strategies that will make the management, onboarding as well as retention of your future onboarding workers simpler and more efficient. As time goes by contingent workers will quickly grow from a novelty to an absolute requirement. 

Making your business capable of dealing with the challenges of integrating these teams into your existing infrastructure can set you far ahead of your less prudent competitors. The suggestions we gave you should definitely push you in the right direction.

By Mike Johnston

Business News