Looking great while being kind to the environment and your wallet can be challenging. In recent years, many fashion influencers and websites have advocated green dressing to be more sustainable. However, it is often not that simple. To feel confident, fashionable, and eco-friendly simultaneously, you must be armed with the right information. This article will guide you through this tricky terrain by presenting several practical tips on how you can combine style with sustainability in your everyday wardrobe.
1. Buy Less
One of the biggest challenges of being eco-friendly is that some fabrics and materials are not eco-friendly. Wool and cotton, for instance, are two of the most sustainable fabrics, but they are also some of the most expensive. As a general rule, you create demand for that product whenever you buy something. This means that when you buy eco-friendly clothing items, more people will be encouraged to produce more eco-friendly clothing. This means that your buying habits can either promote sustainability or hinder it. When deciding how to buy less, remember that buying less does not mean buying nothing. Buying less means choosing a smaller quantity of much higher quality items.
2. Buy Sustainable
Before you buy your clothing and textile items, ensure they are certified to be sustainable. When shopping online, always check if the company is certified and what their certifications are. You can also visit sites that have databases of different eco-friendly clothing brands. You can also read reviews from other users who have bought these items. This way, you can be sure that they are eco-friendly clothing items and will last. While it is true that sustainable clothing can sometimes be more expensive than traditional clothing, it is also a lot more durable, which means that you will be able to use it for years to come. Sustainable fabrics can create classic styles that will never go out of fashion. These fashions may include sustainable fine jewelry that not only meets but also exceeds all requirements in the industry.
3. Shop Thrift
Buying used clothing is one of the best ways to be sustainable and eco-friendly. While it is true that vintage items must have been manufactured with certain chemicals that are not safe for the environment, they have been used long enough to have been washed out. If you are concerned about chemicals in your clothing, you can always visit a vintage store specializing in retro clothing. Retro clothing contains fewer chemicals than modern clothing because it was manufactured before laws required manufacturers to be more eco-friendly. This is why you will find fewer synthetic materials in retro clothing. Well-maintained thrift stores usually carry retro vintage clothing that is safe to wear, making this a great place to find affordable and eco-friendly clothing.
4. Buy Used and Secondhand
While shopping for used clothing and buying secondhand is a great way of being more sustainable, you must be careful about selecting items. Remember, not all used clothing is eco-friendly. If you are going to buy used clothing, make sure you get a hold of items that were manufactured without harmful chemicals. Remember, too, that buying used clothing will not always be cheap. You can find items in great condition at thrift shops and secondhand stores, but they might not be as cheap as you expect them to be. This is because these items are usually in high demand so they might be more expensive than new items.
5. Refrain from Following Trends
According to Johansen, new trends are created weekly to convince people to buy more clothes they don’t need. It’s challenging to overcome the feeling that you must conform to these movements. We see commercials for them on television and in our social media feeds often. She argues, however, that doing so will simply result in you amassing a closet full of items you rarely use. Is there a better way? Creating a look that is unique to you and will last the test of time.
The fashion industry has long been criticized for its negative environmental impact. This criticism has been justified as many clothing brands have used harmful chemicals and synthetic fabrics. Fortunately, this is changing, and eco-friendly clothing brands can now be found in almost every major city. As a conscious consumer, you must be able to spot the difference between eco-friendly and conventional clothing. This article has presented you with several practical tips on how you can combine style with sustainability in your everyday wardrobe.
The image source: Pexels.