Dear Colleague
Council tax energy rebate: information leaflet for households in council tax bands A-D
On 14 February 2022 the Department issued a Council Tax Information Letter (CTIL)
providing an update on the material which must be provided to households regarding the
council tax energy rebate which was announced on 3 February 2022. This included a
requirement that an information pamphlet about the rebate should be sent out alongside bills
issued to households in bands A-D prior to the start of the year.
In order to assist local authorities with their billing preparations, the Government is now able to
provide the pamphlet and set out the actions which billing authorities must take as a condition
of the grant being provided to administer the scheme. The pamphlet is attached to this CTIL
and is being sent to billing authority finance directors and their revenues and benefits teams, as
well as to representative and professional bodies.
Full guidance on the operation of the rebate will be provided later this week.
Billing authorities must send the pamphlet to households in council tax bands A-D, although
it may also be issued to additional households where this is administratively preferable.
Whenever possible, the pamphlet should be issued in hard copy alongside the council tax
demand notice, unless the council and household have an electronic billing arrangement in
place. Where the pamphlet cannot be issued with the demand notice it should be sent out as
soon as possible afterwards, and no later than 28 March 2022.
Billing authorities must issue the pamphlet in the format provided but may do so in either A4
or A5 size. They may also print the pamphlet in black and white only where this is essential
to enable it to be issued alongside the demand notice.
World News