4 Signs a Cat in Pain Often Exhibits

Cats can’t speak human language, so obviously they can’t share their grief with us through words. Also, these cuddly babies are pretty good at hiding signs of illnesses to survive.

This is one reason why even the most prompt cat owner might fail to notice their purr baby’s distress. Many cat owners have admitted to realizing their furry precious’ pain, discomfort, and sickness only when things got out of hand when they had to rush to the vet hospital.

Note that kitty cats are famous for seeking help from their owners only when they can’t hide their illnesses any longer. If you are a devoted cat parent, know your kitty too well, and keep a watchful eye on it daily, then there is a possibility of identifying the symptoms early.

At the same time, know that young kittens need as much care and more than fully grown cats to stay healthy. Even with the best care taken, health issues are often unavoidable, which is why you should consider being equipped with kitten insurance.


Contemplate purchasing the best pet insurance for your pet cat so you don’t have to think much about providing quality medical care during unanticipated health situations and medical emergencies. Meanwhile, read this article to learn common signs a cat in pain often exhibits. 

1.Behavioral changes

Significant changes in your cat’s routine should be concerning. Even subtle changes like being unable to jump, leap, or chase a toy, not paying attention to grooming itself, licking particular areas on the body, difficulty in climbing up and down the stairs, trouble with using the litter box, frequent accidents, and excessive vocalizations can point to potential illnesses.

2.Personality changes

A particularly friendly feline is being aggressive all of a sudden, scratching or biting people and animals on being touched; a social cat has become an introvert and is now hiding in a corner, not leaving the owner’s side, appearing needier than before, staying aloof, and other personality changes can be due to an underlying health condition you know not of.

3.Body language changes

Always sitting down, refusing to lift a paw, having a hunched back, breathing difficulty, drastic changes in gait, constantly meowing, not willing to lie down, finding it difficult to stretch its neck and access food, pressing its head against walls and other objects, appearing confused, and unkempt appearance can point to sickness.

4.Dietary changes 

A cat that is not eating or drinking as it used to before may have an issue; conversely, if a cat has developed a huge appetite for food and water lately, there can still be a medical concern. The former can be due to oral or dental issues and several other ailments, while the latter can be due to endocrine disorders, diabetes, renal complaints, and various other conditions.

While the signs above indicate something is wrong with your cat, you will still need to seek veterinary help for testing and treatments. Simultaneously consider being prepared with kitten insurance because no feline is entirely immune to health issues.

The best pet insurance covers a frisky pet for broader-ranging health conditions with a minor economic burden, which is why you must contemplate purchasing a policy.

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