የሲያትል የማመላለሻ እቅድ | ስለ ፍላጎቶችዎ እና ቅድሚያ የሚሰጧቸውን ነገሮች መስማት እንፈልጋለን። አዲሱን የዳሰሳ ጥናታችንን ይውሰዱ፣ ወደሚመጣው ክስተት ይምጡ እና የቱ ጋ ለውጥ ማየት እንደሚፈልጉ
Year: 2022
Former CEO Indicted for Misleading Investors about COVID-19 Rapid Test Kits
An indictment was returned today by a federal grand jury in New Jersey, charging the former chief executive officer of a publicly-traded health care company
Accelerating the growth and transformation of advanced manufacturing sector
Economic and Regional Development Minister Stuart Nash launched the draft Advanced Manufacturing Industry Transformation Plan for public consultation at the EMEX Trade Show in Auckland
MEMORANDUM: Flags at Half-Staff in Honor of Former Representative Betty Reed
MEMORANDUM: Flags at Half-Staff in Honor of Former Representative Betty Reed MEMORANDUM TO: Tom Berger, Director of Real Estate Management
New Administrator of Tokelau announced
Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta today announced the appointment of Don Higgins as the next Administrator of Tokelau. “Aotearoa New Zealand is first and foremost
Government backs Māori climate action
$35.4m to help farmers, growers and whenua Māori owners reduce their agricultural emissions $30.5m to establish a platform for Māori Climate ActionFarmers, growers and whenua
Mayor Harrell Releases One Seattle Homelessness Action Plan and Transparency Dashboard, Announces Acquisition of Dockside Apartments
Focused on urgency, compassion, and transparency, the plan and dashboard are available at: homelessness.seattle.gov Opening July 1 and operated by the Low Income Housing Institute,
Justice Department Sues to Shut Down Texas Return Preparers
The United States filed a civil injunction suit to permanently bar Jason Elias Briley; Roxann Ladawn Johnson fka Roxann Ladawn Ellis; Alexander McKenzie; Courtney Jones;
Minister to visit Fiji post ‘Our Oceans’ Conference
Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs Aupito William Sio will travel to Fiji this week, from 1 to 4 June, to meet with Pacific Marine Ministers,
Seattle Parks and Recreation and YMCA of Greater Seattle Announce Summer Job Fairs
Both organizations are hiring dozens of positions to provide a safe summer for kids Step up and help kids this summer – do work that
Seattle City Council Passes PayUp Legislation
First-of-its-kind legislation will guarantee app-based delivery drivers a minimum wage, increase transparency, and protect flexibility SEATTLE – The Seattle City Council unanimously passed PayUp legislation
Niko Brenner, German rapper loses half his SKULL after a gas explosion
A German rapper who lost half of his skull in a drug lab explosion has admitted that he committed a “big mistake” but is thankful
DEEL Invests $1M in Community-Based K-12 Summer Programs to Address Continued Impacts of COVID-19 on Student Learning
NEWS RELEASE Bruce Harrell, Mayor Dwane Chappelle, Director FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 31, 2022 Contact: Sage Leibenson, sage.leibenson@seattle.gov, 206.507.6701 Funding will support academic opportunities, enrichment,
Blocktickets to Provide India’s First Ever NFT Based Ticketing Experience for the Emergence Festival
Blocktickets, a multi-chain NFT-based ticketing platform, will conduct India’s first ever NFT Ticketing-based Music Festival, Emergence. The event tickets will be generated on the blockchain
DEEL Partners with Community Organizations to Provide High-Quality Summer Learning Opportunities to Seattle K-12 Youth
$1M in investments will enhance academic opportunities, college and career exploration, & social-emotional learning to support student achievement and wellbeing in response to COVID-19 Today,